So I got up this morning and decided to out and take a drive and find a spot to create some photos. I drove for about 10 minutes and got off the main road. I took a turn here and there and before I knew it I was lost. Luckely I was sure I was still in Florida, I think.
I found my way out and decided to go to downtown New Port Richey. I took a few photos there but was so late that I had to leave for St. Pete. for an appoinment.
While in St. Pete I saw some statues and they gave me an idea.
I bought a pack of cigarettes cause they looked like they needed a smoke.
I think the horse needed a cigarette the most. I think I will do an entire eassay on Smoking Statues. I am redoing the horse with a bigger cigarette. So I started the day thinking one way and ended up doing something else. It you tell yourself that you would like to take some photos you probably won't. If you tell yourself that you are going to go out and create some photos then your mind starts thinking of what to create. This is where photography really becomes fun and rewarding.
While I was taking these photos a few people were looking and started to laugh. Perhaps they thought I was nuts or maybe they saw what I saw.
As I create more photos I will post them in my blogs. Hey, can someone get this woman some clothes?