Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Camera clubs in Florida

To help promote the upcoming seminars in Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, and Boca Raton I am guest speaking to different camera clubs in Florida. The topic of the lecture is "Kicking Up Your Creativity Through Composition, Lighting, and Psychology". The PowerPoint lecture lasts about an hour and has been well received. What is most gratifying when giving these lectures is the amount of really good questions I get. Members are really well informed.
So far I have appeared at Chasco Camera Club, South Florida Camera Club, and Kendall Camera Club all in Florida. I have also lectured at B and H in New York City.

Clubs that are scheduled are the Highland Lakes Camera Club, Valencia Shores Camera Club, and Ybor studio 1701.
The response by camera groups has been really great. If you would like me to speak at yours contact ken@getthepicture.tv. If you live near one of the clubs mentioned and would like to attend contact the clubs for guest rules. If you want find out more about our up coming seminars go to www.getthepicture.tv

above photo taken by Ada Lluhi Stevens

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